The Story emerges after analysis and synthesis

We don't yield until your research is top quality.

But we build research to outlive immediate needs.

But not light-years away

Prepare to be impressed.

You will be amazed how much we accomplish.

Watch your thousands of data points coalesce into something beautiful.
It's not every day that you encounter a market researcher with a background playing orchestral violin. But Sally's approach to data analysis has a lot in common with a musical ear as well as psychology of language (in which she earned her Ph.D at Penn). Her take-no-prisoners approach reflects a tireless pursuit of excellence in everything she does. Before starting her 20+ year career in market research, Sally taught statistics at Bryn Mawr and Lehigh.
She is also our house expert on
Broadway musicals.
Sally Davis, Ph.D
T.H. concentrates on the evolving "science" of getting people to reveal themselves in market research. He conducts qualitative interviews and focus groups and is known for inventing unique data collection methods, as well as for his fluid, conversational moderating. Better than most, he knows that humans are far from rational beings. Degrees in history from Johns Hopkins first sharpened his skills for finding deeper truths among conflicting versions of events. T.H. is a native Midwesterner and
a wiseacre, and is very fond of books
and hats.
T.H. Kern
Executive Vice President
In many ways the engine that powers Armature Group, Chris brings over 15 years of experience to the arena of quantitative market research in the pharma space. On a daily basis, Chris juggles large sheafs of complex data as well as the rearing of three extraordinary sons. His attention to detail is legendary and has a way of delighting our clients. Chris has lived and worked in Brazil
and speaks fluent Portuguese as well
as some Spanish. No matter how long he lives in Philadelphia, he will always root
for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Chris Zinn
Vice President


For the eighth year in a row, Armature is proud to be certified as a Women's Business Enterprise by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation's largest third-party certifier of the businesses owned and operated by women in the U.S.
We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today and we can add diversity to your supply chain.

About the Artist
Elliott Hirsch, D.O., is a family medicine resident physician at Excela Health Latrobe Hospital in Latrobe, PA.
Although he is innocent of involvement with the design of our site, he created the new Armature Group logo (at top of each page) as well as the illustrations of armatured figures that appear on each page.
At left is a piece that Elliott created for Google Earth at its California offices. We have loved working with Elliott and know, based on his careful listening and ability to infer what is unspoken, that he is going to be a physician without peer.
Site Design: Kaitlyn Waterson
Executive Producer: T.H. Kern
Build 030123